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General Information




Italy is EU member. All participants coming from extra UE countries, should have a valid passport and, if required, an entry visa, which can be obtained from the Italian Embassy or Consulate in their own country. Visa applications should be made as early as possible.



Currency in Italy is Euro (€). Money can be exchanged at the money exchange offices at the railway stations or at the airport. Major credit cards are accepted for board and lodging at the hotel. If necessary the major currencies can be exchanged also at the hotel.



Average daytime temperature at the workshop venue in June normally varies around 27°C and during the night around 21°C. The temperature of the Mediterranean Sea is around 24°C.



Reggio Calabria Airport (www.sogas.it), also known as Strait of Messina Airport, a European departure point in the process of development, plans to become a central hub for the Mediterranean basin, primarily because of its strategic geographic position, serving the two most popular tourist destinations in Italy. Its building offers a spectacular view of nearby Sicily.



Reggio Calabria is linked by train to the main Italian cities (www.trenitalia.com).




"Mediterranea" University of Reggio Calabria
DiSTAfA - Dept. Agroforestry and Environmental Sciences and Technologies Agricultural Engineering Section

Località Feo di Vito - 89122 Reggio Calabria, Italy

Web: www.ciosta.unirc.it E-mail: ciosta2009@unirc.it