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Conference Programme




Lungomare of  Reggio Calabria

(Papero Beach Exclusive Club)

 Ice breaking dinner  by Comune di Reggio Calabria: 20.30




Agricultural Faculty of Reggio Calabria

 Open registration:  8.30

(Library - Biblioteca)

 Board meeting CIGR V:  9.00 -10.00

(Meeting room – Sala Consiglio)


Opening Session: 10.00 - 13.00

(Main hall)

Institutional opening: 10.00 – 11.15

Introduction: Gennaro GIAMETTA, CIOSTA President, Italy


Massimo GIOVANNINI, Rector of Reggio Calabria University

Giuseppe BOVA, President of Calabrian Council

Giuseppe SCOPELLITI, Major of Reggio Calabria

Cesare PATRONE, Chief of Corpo Forestale dello Stato

Lucio DATTOLA, President of  Commerce Chamber of Reggio Calabria

Mario PIRILLO, Councellor  for Agriculture  of Calabria Region

Michelangelo TRIPODI, Councellor for  Territorial Planning of Calabria Region

Pietro MOLINARO, President of Coldiretti Calabria

Carmelo VAZZANA, President of Conasco

Santo Marcello ZIMBONE, Dean of Agricultural Faculty of Reggio Calabria


Scientific address: 11.15 – 12.00

Introduction: Giuseppe ZIMBALATTI, CIOSTA Coordinator, Italy


Søren PEDERSEN, CIGR President, Denmark

Pietro PICCAROLO, CIGR V Section President, Italy

Antonino FAILLA, AIIA President, Italy

Andrea SISTI, Conaf President

Giovanni GULISANO, DiSTAfA Director, Italy

Emanuele PASCUCCI, Pieralisi, Italy


Key note speakers: 12.00 – 13.00



Innovations on food safety and security with  robotic agriculture

Naoshi KONDO, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan 

Globalization of wood supply chains and the challenges to forest sustainability

Masami SHIBA, Field Science Education and Research Center, Kyoto University, Japan

Tasting typical foods by Coldiretti and lunch: 13.00 -14.30




Open poster session: 14.30

Oral presentation: 14.30 – 16.00                  

Room A

Room B

Room C

Room “Seminari”

Chair: Piccarolo P.

Chair: Juliszewski T.

Chair: Cavalli R.

Chair: Kondo N.

5. Protection, Harvesting, Automation Technology

7. Power and Machinery, Tractors, Tillage, Fertilising and Plants
8. Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency


15. IUFRO Workshop “Forestry utilization in Mediterranean countries with particularly respect to sloping areas”- Forestry Mechanization and Wood Technology

1. Processing and Post Harvest Technology and Logistics

Coffee break:  16.00 – 16.30

Oral presentation: 16.30 - 18.00                      

Room A

Room B

Room C

Room “Seminari”

Chair: Schick M.

Chair: Pedersen S.

Chair: Kosir B.

Chair: Giametta G.

5. Protection, Harvesting, Automation Technology

9. Fruit and Vegetable Cultivation Systems


8. Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

15. IUFRO Workshop “Forestry utilization in Mediterranean countries with particularly respect to sloping areas”- Forestry Mechanization and Wood Technology

1. Processing and Post Harvest Technology and Logistics

2. Protected Cultivation, Greenhouse Technology



Social Dinner by De Masi Costruzioni

Uliveto Principessa Resort, Cittanova (RC)

18.00 – 23.30



Oral presentation: 09.00-11.00                    

Room A

Room B

Room C

Room “Seminari”

Chair: Bodria L.

Chair: Luoma T.

Chair: Shiba M.

Chair: Soerensen G.C.

9. Fruit and Vegetable Cultivation Systems


8. Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

10. Emerging Industrial Products, Marketing Service Systems

15. IUFRO Workshop “Forestry utilization in Mediterranean countries with particularly respect to sloping areas”- Forestry Mechanization and Wood Technology

3. Systems Engineering and Management, Traceability


Coffee break: 11.00 – 11.30

Oral presentation: 11.30 -13.30                      

Room A

Room B

Room C

Room “Seminari”

Chair: Almeida A.

Chair:  Döhler H.

Chair: Quendler E.

Chair: Liberatori S.

12. Land and Water Use

13. Environment Protection


6. Information Systems and Precision Farming
14. Open topics

11. Safety and Health in Agro-forestry and Agro-food Systems

Tasting typical foods by Coldiretti  and Lunch: 13.30 - 14.45



CIOSTA MEETING:  14.45 – 15.30

(Room “Seminari”)

Closure poster session: 15,30

FINAL SESSION: 15.30 - 16.00

(Room “Seminari”)



Visit of National Museum: 16.30 -19.00

Farewell party by Provincia di Reggio Calabria

Provincia di Reggio Calabria Palace, Piazza Italia

19.30 – 22.30



Giuseppe GIORDANO, President of Reggio Calabria Province Council

Antonio SCALI, Councellor for  Agriculture of Reggio Calabria Province


All day

Technical Visit: 8,00 – 17,30


Supported by Gruppo Pieralisi


Supported by Corpo Forestale dello Stato

Itinerary: Costa Viola - Gerace - Capogreco olive oil farm - Reggio Calabria Airport/Hotels

Itinerary:  Aspromonte National Park - Reggio Calabria Airport/Hotels



"Mediterranea" University of Reggio Calabria
DiSTAfA - Dept. Agroforestry and Environmental Sciences and Technologies Agricultural Engineering Section

Località Feo di Vito - 89122 Reggio Calabria, Italy

Web: www.ciosta.unirc.it E-mail: ciosta2009@unirc.it