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1. Processing and Post Harvest Technology and Logistics;
2. Protected Cultivation, Greenhouse Technology;
3. Systems Engineering and Management, Traceability;
4. Harvest and Road network planning in mountainous terrain;
5. Protection, Harvesting, Automation Technology;
6. Information Systems and Precision Farming;
7. Power and Machinery, Tractors, Tillage, Fertilising and Plants;
8. Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency;
9. Fruit and Vegetable Cultivation Systems;
10. Emerging Industrial Products, Marketing Service Systems;
11. Safety and Health in Agro-forestry and Agro-food Systems;
12. Land and Water Use;
13. Environment Protection;
14. Open topics;

15. IUFRO (Unit 3.06.00) Workshop on: Forestry utilization in Mediterranean countries with particularly respect to sloping areas - Forestry Mechanization and Wood Technology.


Participants should contribute through oral presentations and posters. The Authors will be notified by the Scientific Committee about the acceptance of the paper. The Scientific Committee will decide whether the contribute is accepted as oral presentation or poster.





"Mediterranea" University of Reggio Calabria
DiSTAfA - Dept. Agroforestry and Environmental Sciences and Technologies Agricultural Engineering Section

Località Feo di Vito - 89122 Reggio Calabria, Italy

Web: www.ciosta.unirc.it E-mail: ciosta2009@unirc.it